YouTube Channel

Check out our new YouTube channel! You'll find some videos to learn the basics of Unity 3d, and soon you'll also be able to get great UDK, Maya and 3DSMax tutorials as well.

Project Caine

Project Caine

Project Caine is Hydra Interactive Studio's first game. Check back here soon for more info.


Join The Dev Club

The Dev Club is The Art Institute Hollywood's game development club. Work on games, learn from peers and industry professionals, attend workshops, and stay up to date on the business' latest tech.

Welcome to The Dev Club's blog!

Archive for January 2011

Hello all,

Along with the new quarter, we will be sporting brand new forums. These new forums will replace both the blog and our previous forums, and will serve as the club online meeting place for announcements and development. The reason for this change is that our previous system was clumsy, slow, had little online storage, and worst of all - ADS.

As a temporary measure, the new forums will be hosted on my personal web space until we acquire a suitable domain for the club. This transition will require brand new registrations for all members, because we were unable to transfer over the old information to our new server.  

Registration has been made more simple, and safe (no more phishing ads asking for your cellphone number). As with the previous version, manual activation will be required before you can use the forum, which in turn requires that you use your real name during registration. 

A recap for those who prefer bullet points:
  • and are being phased out.
  • The new forums will replace them, and temporarily be hosted at the link below.
  • All members will need to re-register regardless of their membership to the above forums.
Registering for lots of things can be a pain, but with this change, future changes will be painless. If we ever need to migrate servers or anything of that sort, we now have access to the database to do so, so this is most likely the last time you'll have to do this (I hope).

As a reminder: The forums are private to club members. Our "public" face has yet to be unveiled, but is in the works under the Hydra Interactive Studios name.

Please complete registration by Saturday January 15th if you intend to become a member or remain a member for next quarter.

Thank you,
Ray Barrera
President, TDC.

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