YouTube Channel

Check out our new YouTube channel! You'll find some videos to learn the basics of Unity 3d, and soon you'll also be able to get great UDK, Maya and 3DSMax tutorials as well.

Project Caine

Project Caine

Project Caine is Hydra Interactive Studio's first game. Check back here soon for more info.


Join The Dev Club

The Dev Club is The Art Institute Hollywood's game development club. Work on games, learn from peers and industry professionals, attend workshops, and stay up to date on the business' latest tech.

Welcome to The Dev Club's blog!

Finally, we have a place to privately discuss club events and projects.

I added the link at the top of the blog for easy access.

Please register, so I can get you approved, and let me know your username if it's not your real name.

Registering is mandatory for all TDC members.

Once you're signed up, read the rules, which have been posted in all the forum categories for easy access.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions, comments or concerns.

-Ray Barrera

2 Responses so far.

  1. Totchii says:

    The link isn't working for me/from my end :( will try again later (because it may just be my internet...maybe).

  2. Ray B says:

    We were having problems with the forums last night, they were down most of the night.

    Hopefully they are resolved now, you can try again today. :)

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